Then, Link must get another arrow, ignite that, and aim it at a lantern that is on an elevator-like platform. Link can either evade the water spout by using the Stasis Rune to freeze it in time or fire the lit arrow at the unlit lantern. On the eastern side of the room, Link must either have an arrow ignited by the blue fire or a torch with the blue flame burning bright and must evade water spouts so that the flame does not go out.
Link must then get a bow and some arrows ready, aim at the unlit torch in the center with the arrow ignited by the blue fire, and then raise the bars that are blocking off the eastern side. To begin Link's arduous trial, he must use Magnesis on two metal blocks to make a staircase to the only lantern that is currently lit.
The only lantern that is lit at this time is the one on the western side and the eastern side is currently barred off, therefore the western side must be done first. To start, Link must move a spike trap upwards with the Magnesis Rune and on the other side of the trap, there is a lantern that is unlit. The Legend of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild - The Champions' Ballad Review